Jag tycker inte det är moraliskt okej, men i vissa situationer kan det vara ’moraliskt ursäktbart’, t.ex. om det krävs för ens överlevnad.
Min vision är om en värld utan vårt destruktiva transportsystem och utan destruktiva odlingar, etc. Vårt destruktiva transportsystem skadar både mänskliga och ickemänskliga djur:
Jag resonerar på samma sätt som jag resonerar om användandet av min dator (Så här har jag skrivit om det på engelska. Om någon vill ha det översatt, så kan jag skriva en översättning):
I believe that the only way you can justify electronics given the environmental pollution and often exploitation involved to produce it,is using it in the following ways
1/ Necessary in order for fighting exploitation towards humans and nonhumans.
2/ Necessary for your survival, e.g. you need it for your work.
Exploitation involved in manufacturing a computer: http://bloganders.blogspot.no/2014/03/slavery-involved-in-producing.html
The exploitation involved in electronics is still of course not justified, it would just be used since it is needed to stop all exploitation in the world. The worse alternative morally would be just to ignore the violence and to not use internet effectively to stop all exploitation. In a world with no exploitation we wouldn’t need any electricity.
I believe we should strive to be able to live in a self-sustained community where we plant using vegan permaculture, minimize electricity use and get electricity from solar panels and heating from burning wood we cut down ourselves: http://bloganders.blogspot.no/2014/04/vision-for-nonviolent-vegan.html
This is a sustainable way of living where we still can interact with the world and stop all exploitation involved in the world.
That being said: There is an enormous difference between using electricity in order to stop exploitation compared to using an animal in order to gain pleasure or convenience. If we choose to kill an animal for food despite that we are able to get our nutrition from plant foods, we are engaging in violence compared to the violence involved in dog fighting and bullfightig. While they may psychologically be different, there is no moral difference in gaining pleasure by watching a dog fight compared to gaining pleasure by eating a steak, drinking a glass of milk, eating an egg, buying leather or attending a circus show with animals.
Reply to more excuses: http://bloganders.blogspot.no/2013/08/arguments-for-veganism-and-counter.html
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