torsdag 28 februari 2013

The domestication of animals started 10000 – 15000 years ago, was propagated by Torah and later on Christianity – and now you see terrible animal abuse and slavery by humans of more than 57 billion land animals per year and more than 1000 billion marine animals each year.

Why would you ever want to eat a product that causes disease, see the research behind:
Why would you ever want to eat a products that causes animal such cruelty:
Why would you ever want to eat a product which cause cows and their babies to be separated:

Or eggs:
The domestication of animals started 10000 – 15000 years ago, was propagated by Torah and later on 
Christianity – and now you see terrible animal abuse and slavery by humans of more than 57 billion land animals per year and more than 1000 billion marine animals each year.
All of this is a result by claiming that animals are “property”.

“Almost all animals will eat dairy products but none of them hav the capability to make cheese or milk another animal.”

A capability doesn’t make it moral.

“What the author doesn't focus on is our ability to inflict almost no pain at all pain when shecting an animal. “

You can kill human animals also without almost any pain. It doesn’t make it ethical. Cows are enslaved all their life. We can live symbiotic with animals wild in the nature. We can’t live symbiotic with animals if we force upon them a confined lifestyle on our conditions.

“Perhaps the author sees nothing symbiotic in domesticating milk animals in exchange for their protection.”
I don’t see any symbiotic in draining a cow on her calcium and to take the milk that the calf needs.
Cows love their children as much as you love yours:
It is not ethical to deprive the cows on the most precious that they have – their relationship with their family and their life.

Think of this:
1. The imposition of suffering on any sentient being requires an adequate moral justification and pleasure, amusement, or convenience cannot suffice as adequate to justify imposing suffering on any sentient being
2. The most “humane” animal agriculture involves considerable suffering imposed on sentient beings
3. As a general matter, our best (and only) justification for eating animal products is pleasure, amusement, or convenience
4. Therefore: We cannot morally justify eating animal products

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