söndag 12 maj 2013

Vegan - since discriminating, abusing and killing animals is morally wrong

I noticed that my reply about karma was posted in the wrong thread:

Here is an edited version of what I wrote:
There is a truth. Hatred, injustices, wars, violence, discrimination is morally wrong. Discrimination, such as racism, hetrosexism, sexim, ageism, speciecism, and any other kind of discrimination is morally wrong.

We can never justify injustices and other violence by claiming some distorted concept of 'karma'. I don't believe 'as we sow, so shall we reap' means that all injustices and violence that occurs to a person is caused by a person's previous actions. I believe in karma, but not karma nof any other concept, can ever justify inflicting violence, injustices, suffering and death upon any being.
Discrimination and using violence against another individual based on the criteria of species is morally wrong. More information about it here: http://www.nonhumanslavery.com/gary-francione-on-speciesism-and-slavery

In any case, we are morally responsible to stand up and fight against all violence.
 As I wrote earlier: Standing for Ahimsa (non-violence and compassion to all living beings) requires us standing up against injustices and violence against other sentient beings, regardless if they happen to be humans, fish, cats, dogs or of any other species. Standing silent only perpetuates the status quo of injustices, violence and slavery perpetuated on a massive scale against innocent sentient beings; and makes the bystander guilty for not standing up and defending the defenseless and oppressed.
Only a spiritual awakening to the so simple fact that all beings are consciousness (fish, dogs, cats, humans and all other beings) and that all equally has the same right to live as humans, and that all should be treated with love, compassion and nonviolence, will transform our violent culture that is so filled of injustices, oppression, slavery and suffering.
I recommend this article: http://www.abolitionistapproach.com/the-religion-of-non-violence/#.UY6v48pafh4

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