.................................................A discussion about Abolitionist approach vs "Ban Live"-export campaigns and other "happy exploitation"-campaigns:
Marianne Mojohand Yet
another utterly absurd single issue campaign which suggests that we
"humanely" torture and murder our animals here in Australia.
Sarah K. Woodcock Nell Alk,
well, we can always learn more. To answer your question, vegans should
spend their time promoting veganism -- not signing petitions or
fundraising for animal welfare organizations.
Steven Bragianis A
video from AA: "Australian standards and regulations did not protect
these animals from a cruel and terrifying death": 3:53. This begs the
question: What's the point of banning live export?
Cyn Cynology I
am curious-- is AA's reason for doing these types of campaigns to
prevent additional suffering and stress to the animals or to gain
donation dollars and keep slaughter in their own backyard to keep it a
local issue for them to fight? I have an AU friend that raves about AA
claiming they have made a huge difference over there -- will have to ask
her to elaborate on that.
Sarah Patsy I
am vegan and live in Australia. Yes, I promote veganism. It will not,
however, happen overnight, and especially not in a country where it is
considered 'un-Australian' to be vegetarian, let alone vegan. However
hard I, and people like me, promote veganism, animals will continue to
be slaughtered. It can either be locally, with far less travel and
stress for the animal, or we continue with live exports where the
animals spend weeks travelling in high stress environments by land and
sea, many dying en route. As we are all animals, which would you prefer?
I do not want any animals to be slaughtered, but pretending it doesn't
happen will not make it stop. It is very simple to say we should be
promoting nothing but veganism, but I cannot ignore the horror inflicted
upon these beautiful sentient beings. Is it better to promote veganism
for the next ten years and ignore the murder that is happening daily?
Jan Vilse @Sarah Patsy,
wouldn't the best way to save Jacob be to reduce demand for animal products so that people don't want to breed and slaughter him in the first place? Wouldn't that goal be worth using every imaginable political resource available?
wouldn't the best way to save Jacob be to reduce demand for animal products so that people don't want to breed and slaughter him in the first place? Wouldn't that goal be worth using every imaginable political resource available?
Alan O'Reilly Sarah
Patsy, 'It will not happen overnight' is one of the standard reasons
given for supporting campaigns such as this. The fact is that it will
not happen at all if vegans continue to do so instead of unequivocally
advocating the abolition of animal exploitation. Although you may wish
to see animals treated in a less 'cruel' manner, such treatment is still
exploitation and by supporting these campaigns you are effectively
approving exploitation, albeit in a different form. How much more
difficult does it then become when you subsequently try to deliver the
moral message and the exploiters say, quite justifiably, that 'The
animal people say what we're doing is OK'?
Sarah Patsy @Jan,
Yes, I agree, that is the point of promoting veganism, but as you said
yourself, "reduce demand" which implies that animals will be bred for
slaughter for food. There will always be people who will not be vegan.
There will always be people who choose cruelty. I am vegan, live this,
breathe this... but I cannot ignore or forget the animals such as Jacob
and the unimaginable horror he and millions of others like him are
enduring every day. I feel to say, well I am only focussed on veganism,
is to ignore the terrible cruelty they face daily. Yes, for people to
become vegan helps the Jacobs in this world in the future but does it
help Jacob today?
Sarah Patsy @
Alan, Not everyone will become vegan, sad but true. There are too many
people that simply see nothing wrong with eating animals that refuse to
be educated, and there are too many anti-social people that enjoy
cruelty. Sad but true. If we ignore this fact and therefore do not
engage in 'exploitation' of least cruelty, do we leave other animals to
fend for themselves?
Alan O'Reilly Sarah,
<Not everyone will become vegan, sad but true.> That is an
opinion (not a fact) with which I do not concur. I also totally reject
the notion that humans have any right whatsoever to arbitrarily decide
on behalf of other sentient beings which forms of abuse are acceptable
and which are not.
Gary L. Francione: The Abolitionist Approach to Animal Rights Sarah Patsy:
You seem to be ignoring that these of campaigns make the public more
comfortable about consuming animals who have been "happily" exploited.
You seem not to be concerned that "animal advocates" are deciding which
forms of exploitation are "compassionate." But I appreciate that people
with your perspective are often unable to see this problem. That is how
corporations like Animals Australia get lots and lots of donations.
Sarah Patsy @Alan
Yes it is an opinion that not everyone will become vegan. I'm
interested in your opinion that everyone will. Why, and how do you think
that will happen?
Gary L. Francione: The Abolitionist Approach to Animal Rights Massimo Viggiani:
That's like saying that we ought to have dog shows because they will
help some people to recognize the moral significance of animals. In
fact, I have met people who have told me that their becoming vegan was
the result of their being involved in the world of show dogs. So let's
promote dog shows. That's where your "logic" leads.
Sarah Patsy @Gary,
I understand your point, but I don't think the public are comfortable
with 'happy exploitation' at all. In my experience the public don't want
to think about animals being slaughtered for their food and find it
very easy to draw a distinction between the animals they share their
lives with such as dogs and cats, and the pieces of packaged meat they
pick up at the supermarket. I am not at all comfortable with 'happy
exploitation' but is the promotion of veganism enough to prevent this
Gary L. Francione: The Abolitionist Approach to Animal Rights Sarah Patsy:
What you are saying is that it's okay for an "animal group" to promote
more "compassionate" ways to exploit. If that's what you think, great. I
regard it as a fundamental betrayal of animal rights. That sort of
thinking is what is responsible for all the "happy" exploitation labels
being promoted by all of the large groups. If you think that's a good
idea, you are confused.
Gary L. Francione: The Abolitionist Approach to Animal Rights Massimo Viggiani: Such campaigns are fundamentally in conflict with an abolitionist approach.
Gary L. Francione: The Abolitionist Approach to Animal Rights Sarah Patsy:
I agree that people aren't comfortable and that is precisely WHY we
should be making clear that the distinctions they draw don't make any
sense. I think that what groups like AA do is terrible because they are
intentionally encouraging people not to examine their incoherent
Sarah Patsy @Gary,
No, that's not what I'm saying. I have clearly stated I do not believe
in 'happy' exploitation or 'compassionate' ways to exploit animals. And I
can assure you I am not confused. The exploitation of animals revolts
me, but so does their being butchered in an abattoir.
Gary L. Francione: The Abolitionist Approach to Animal Rights Sarah
Patsy: It's not a question of what you believe. It's a question of what
these campaigns do and what message they send. And do you *really*
believe that that sort of crap does not go on every day in Aussie
abattoirs? If you do, you are very wrong. Massimo Viggiani:
You are being naive. And the UK got rid of live trade in the 1890s,
only to have it come back. You cannot compare single issue campaigns
like this with the anti-slavery movement of he 18th-19th centuries.
Sarah Patsy @Gary,
Yes, that is a good point. AA are probably one of the largest and most
powerful groups here but sadly do not promote the vegan message for fear
of alienating their largely non-vegan support base. Thank you for some
interesting dialogue tonight.
Gary L. Francione: The Abolitionist Approach to Animal Rights Massimo Viggiani:
You are just spouting the new welfarist line that I have been hearing
for 30 years now and have refuted in my work. If you want to promote new
welfarism, go to one of the trillion sites that celebrate that
approach. Please not here. Thanks for your cooperation.
Sarah K. Woodcock General
observation: One of the things I have learned from The Abolitionist
Approach is that animal *rights* advocates are faaaaaaar away from
single issue campaigns because they understand that we need a paradigm
shift faaaaaaar away from how humanity currently regards animals. It is
totally apparent that the "Ban Live Export" single issue campaign is a
"Kill them here, not there" campaign which could not be closer to how
humanity currently regards animals and which is why there is so much
nonvegan support for it.
Sarah K. Woodcock Admin
Note: When you say you "admire Francione's work" and also support
speciesist, racist single issue campaigns, it is very clear you know
nothing about "Francione's work."
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