Adoptera djur, köp inte djur. Det finns miljontals djur som blir dödade på "animal shelters" i världen - inklusive Sverige, Norge, Irland och många andra länder. Om någon räddar de så blir de inte dödade.
Om man har adopterat en katt är man också ansvarig för att reducera antalet djur som han/hon skadar eller dödar.
Man kan fortfarande låta katten vara ute och ha honom/henne under översyn.
Tycker detta är bra resonemang:
"The notion that a cat has a "right" to kill other animals because that is what is "natural" is troubling to me. That is like saying that a dog has a "right" to reproduce because male dogs have a "natural" instinct to copulate with females. Although cats might like to hunt and dogs might like to have sex, that does not mean that the issues are resolved. Given that cats can get killed by cars or get FIV after contact with another cat or encounter other hazards, it seems that, on balance, keeping the cat indoors is certainly a defensible position. As I said, domestication presents difficult moral puzzles that cannot be solved easily or in a satisfactory way. And I think we have an obligation to reduce the feral population and the best way to do that is through TNR, which is more effective (and more moral) than poisoning cats, which is both immoral and ineffective in reducing colonies."
"I quite agree that keeping cats indoors for safety reasons is a good idea, apart from the concern about the cat killing other animals."
"We have plenty of friends who don't live in cities and who have lost cats. But I disagree completely that this matter is solved by saying "it should be the cat's choice." On that logic, animals would be free to do a great many things that are harmful to themselves and other animals. As for children, we *do* supervise them until they reach a point where they become capable of safe, autonomous action. If you have your cat wandering in your fenced yard and you supervise her/him so that s/he does not harm other animals, then that would be fine. But to analogize letting a cat wander and kill because that is the cat's "natural" right is not analogous to having a child supervised outdoors."
"One of the reasons that I oppose domestication as inherently problematic (as opposed to contingently problematic) is that domestication necessitates domination in the sense of imposing human standards on animals. So let's be clear about that. You impose on your cat(s) whether you think you do or not. It certainly seems to me that keeping cats indoors for their safety or the safety of others, or having the cat outdoors in your yard or in a situation where the cat is supervised to prevent harm to him/herself or others is a perfectly sound position."
"The issue is not whether humans kill animals more than animals kill other animals. The issue is whether we, as human companions of domesticated animals, have some obligation with respect to: (1) the safety of those animals; and (2) trying to reduce the number of animals our nonhuman companions kill."
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