tisdag 19 februari 2013

Mjölk orsakar benskörhet, diabets cancer och andra sjukdomar

Jag tycker Harvard-studien är talande:
The bone-thinning condition called osteoporosis can lead to small and not-so-small fractures. Although many people think of calcium in the diet as good protection for their bones, this is not at all the whole story. In fact, in a 12-year Harvard study of 78,000 women, those who drank milk three times a day actually broke more bones than women who rarely drank milk.1 Similarly, a 1994 study of elderly men and women in Sydney, Australia, showed that higher dairy product consumption was associated with increased fracture risk. Those with the highest dairy product consumption had approximately double the risk of hip fracture compared to those with the lowest consumption.2
Och när det gäller vitamin D, 'Milk does other mischief. Its load of calcium depletes the body's vitamin D' [se citat i nedanstående artikel]

Diabetes orsakar av att äta djurprodukter och man kan bli av med diabetes helt och hållet genom att äta en plant-baserad diet [forskning (baserat på riktiga människor som har blivit av med sin diabetes genom att äta en plantbaserad-diet) finns i peer-reviewad artikel]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ktQzM2IA-qU

Andra nackdelar med mjölk: "Researchers are looking, not only at whether milk increases cancer risk, but how. The answer, apparently, is in the way milk affects a man's hormones. Dairy products boost the amount of insulin-like growth factor (IGF-I) in the blood. In turn, IGF-I promotes cancer cell growth.3-5 A small amount is normally in the bloodstream, but several recent studies have linked increased IGF-I levels to prostate cancer and possibly to breast cancer as well.

Milk does other mischief. Its load of calcium depletes the body's vitamin D, which, in turn, may add to cancer risk. Most dairy products are also high in fat, which affects the activity of sex hormones that play a major role in cancer.

And it would come as no surprise that milk might affect the growth of cancer cells. After all, its biological purpose is to support rapid growth in all parts of a calf's body. After the age of weaning, calves (like all mammals) have no need for milk at all, and there is never a need to drink the milk of another species.

Researchers are investigating whether dairy products might be culprits in other forms of the disease. Ovarian cancer, in particular, may be linked to galactose, a sugar produced from the milk sugar lactose. Yogurt, cheese, "lactose-free" milk, and other dairy products contain substantial amounts of galactose. "


Se även forskningen i denna film: http://www.adelicatebalance.com.au/
Tycker inte man ska rekommendera mjölkprodukter när det orsakar så mycket sjukdomar och död både för människor och andra djur.

Ha en fin dag!

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