måndag 21 januari 2013

No D-vitamin deficiency for vegans (they eat a plant-based diet)

Här följer lite intressanta referenser.
Rekommenderar först och främst denna film baserat på många peer-reviewade artiklar: http://www.adelicatebalance.com.au/

Äta mycket djurprodukter kan leda till minskad Vitamin D-produktion. Vi vet också att djurprodukter orsakar cancer och de auto-immuna sjukdomar som man har funnit är korrelerade med Vitamin D-brist.

"Dr, Hollick agrees with the common medical assessment that somewhere between 30 and 80% of the American population is Vitamin D-deficient. He also agrees with the research showing that people with lower Vitamin D levels are at higher risk of developing many conditions, including cancer. However, he does not recommend the use of supplements, fortified foods and oily fish to compensate for this deficiency. In fact, Dr. Hollick states that for every 100IU of Vitamin D you ingest orally, you raise blood levels of 25 hydroxyvitamin D by only 1 nannogram per milliliter.

Dr. Hollick instead recommends getting sun exposure as a way of increasing blood levels of vitamin D. Just 10-15 minutes in the sun is the equivalent of taking between 15,000 and 20,000 IU's of Vitamin D, but without the potential for toxicity that is becoming more common as people take larger doses of it orally.

Dr. Hollick criticizes the use of sunscreen in order to avoid all sun exposure. A sunscreen with SPF of 8 reduces the ability of the skin to make Vitamin D by 92.5%. Sunscreen with SPF 15 reduces it by 99%.

During the winter months, the inactive, storage form of Vitamin D is drawn upon for use when sun exposure is limited or non-existent. Dr. Hollick does not discuss this in his interview, but the conversion process can be hampered by the consumption of a diet rich in animal foods, fat and refined foods, so adequate Vitamin D levels are dependent on both diet and sun exposure."

Väldigt intressant artikel.
"In both cases, consuming extra amounts of vitamins A and D runs the risk of violating the natural order of things by exceeding the upper limits of circulation desired by the body. Is it any wonder, then, that these are the two vitamins with the greatest number of reports of toxicity? Did you know, for example, that vitamin A at higher levels of intake, actually can increase, not decrease, cancer risk? Also, did you know that these are the only two vitamins only found in flesh foods (a different kind of vitamin D may be present in some plants)? Historically, it now is clear that they initially were labeled as vitamins at a time when consumption of generous amounts of animal foods was considered advisable.

I do not mean to say that consuming vitamins A and D, as supplements or as added to foods, is never useful, but I do mean to say that the benefits to be derived, if any, are observed, in theory, only when Û-carotene intake (from colored plant matter) and sunshine exposure are inadequate. Both of these presumed 'vitamins' are downstream from their major sources and it is these sources which we need to emphasize."


Hollick is considerably more conservative than I am - I generally recommend doing away with fortified foods and supplements, including Vitamin D since the body in its infinite wisdom can achieve and maintain optimal health naturally through dietary excellence and optimal habits.
More articles here: http://www.tcolincampbell.org/search/?L=0

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