You can't prove that it is justifiable to kill animals.
have the ability to develop intuition, love and compassion for all
beings. But it requires that we stop oppressing them. We can intuitively
know that it is wrong to cause suffering and to kill another sentient
being. However, if we oppress animals routinely as most humans do, we
may lose this capacity. Just like persons committing severe moral
atrocities may not have comprehended that what they did was morally
wrong. I believe that men are goodhearted. However, humans participating
in regularly excluding the animals, regularly saying 'I don't care' by
the choices made, regularly oppressing them by eating them, wearing them
and making other choices that are oppressing the animals, may become
very disconnected to the animals, their lives and their inherent moral
One can reason like this:
"1. The imposition of suffering on any sentient being requires an
adequate moral justification and pleasure, amusement, or convenience
cannot suffice as adequate to justify imposing suffering on any sentient
2. The most “humane” animal agriculture involves considerable suffering imposed on sentient beings
3. As a general matter, our best (and only) justification for eating animal products is pleasure, amusement, or convenience
4. Therefore: We cannot morally justify eating animal products
This is all very logical. But the argument is not going to go
anywhere if you don’t accept the first premise and want to act on it. If
you do not accept that you have any obligation to justify in a
meaningful way the harm you impose on animals, we can’t even get started
talking about animal ethics. Logic and rationality can help us to
ascertain what we owe nonhuman moral persons but logic and rationality
are useless in the face of someone who just does not care morally about
animals and who rejects the notion that any justification for the
imposition of harm is required.
Science is also useless where the first premise is concerned. There
is no way to prove “scientifically” that we have an obligation to
justify the imposition of harm on a sentient being. As any first-year
philosophy student knows, you cannot derive an “ought” from an “is.
So why should we accept the first premise?
I maintain that the first principle is self-evidently true. All
sentient beings matter morally and before I adversely affect the
interests of any sentient being, I am obliged to justify my action. When
I use “true” here, I mean it in the same sense that I mean it when I
say that the cup on my desk is red. The statement, “The cup is red”
expresses a true proposition. The cup on my desk is red.
Similarly, the statement, “We need to have a morally sufficient
justification for imposing suffering on any sentient being” expresses a
true proposition that reflects our moral intuition that suffering is
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